

At Lala, we promote the efficient management of water in all our operations, through plans to minimize its consumption and increase its reuse. In addition, we support actions for the conservation of this resource contributing with the protection of protected areas, the preservation and rescue of endemic species, rehabilitation of hydrological basins and fire prevention.

Energy and emissions

We continue to promote the importance of the use of renewable energies; therefore, our priority is the use of clean energy in all our plants and centers of distribution. Aware of the importance to the environment the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, we measure and implement actions that help us reduce the amount of emissions we emit in our daily operations.


We have an integral waste management that includes the identification, separation, quantification, treatment and management of waste, as well as strategies of reduction, reuse and recycling that we apply in all our facilities. Also, through the Ecoce Association we recover a significant percentage of our PET and HDPE containers that we place on the market.