
Environmental Committee, Social and Corporate Governance

At Lala we continue to strengthen our sustainability strategy by integrating it with the business strategy as we are convinced that it is the only way to continue creating value for all our stakeholders. Sustainability is the transversal orientation of our actions, and we understand it as an integral performance of our production chain to add social, environmental and corporate governance value from the ethics of responsibility. We are currently in a process of relaunching with a renewed vision of our sustainability model.

  • Integrate and reinvigorate the Group´s sustainability model.
  • Empower current practices and future initiatives.
  • Determinate baseline metrics to identify and set long-term ESG goals.
  • Align communication and reporting practices with international standards.

Sustainability Report

Business strategy and sustainability model

Given the global context in which we find ourselves, it is essential to have an ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) in all the actions we carry out as a company to be able to face the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities seeking a better future for all. This year 2021 is special because it represents the closing point of a cycle in our sustainability model, and the transition towards model that we will soon unveil and that will govern our performance in the following years.

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Our contribution to SDG

As part of our sustainability strategy we seek to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the UN 2030 Agenda to achieve a better world and a more prosperous future for all. Through our operations and the Lala Foundation, we directly impact 11 ESG.


We are people. Our social actions provide a better life for all people, so that we can make a real impact in all regions and contribute positively to the community. Policies and social programs are established to guarantee this statement.

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We dream big. We firmly believe that our nutritious and healthy products can make a difference in people's life. We make an effort to take care of each drop of milk from the farms to the tables, to be able to provide high quality food for any person. Our commitment to the planet also involves many actions to ensure the future of the next generations.

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Política anticorrupción

No tomamos atajos. En Lala elegimos el camino correcto, no el más fácil, rechazamos cualquier tipo de soborno, acto de corrupción y conducta no ética dentro y fuera de la organización.
Trabajamos con disciplina y actuamos éticamente para alcanzar nuestras metas, tomamos las decisiones correctas de acuerdo con nuestros valores, políticas, Código de ética y leyes, construyendo un ambiente de respeto y justicia.
La postura de Lala con respecto a la corrupción es muy sencilla: la corrupción es inaceptable, va contra la ley y no damos ni aceptamos ningún tipo de soborno.

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Anti-corruption policy

We do not take shortcuts. At Lala we choose the right path, not the easiest, we reject any type of bribery, acts of corruption and unethical behavior inside and outside the organization.
We work with discipline and act ethically to achieve our goals, we make the right decisions in accordance with our values, policies, Code of Ethics and laws, building an environment of respect and justice.
Lala's position on corruption is very simple: corruption is unacceptable, it is against the law and we do not give or accept any type of bribe.

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Corporate Governance

We are exemplary. Great leadership is essential for daily activities and it is our job to make sure we have the best talent for efficient management. We think as owners and take care of the business, that leads us to give results. As an ethical company our philosophy is to do things right, we do not take shortcuts.

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